Collision of the Systems 2016-…

“Collision of the Systems” is a series of unique artworks in which I respond to world-changing cataclysmic events.
I use my “Treescape” work as the foundation, presenting the perfection of nature. Then build additional layers that represent human behaviour.

The project started as a painful reaction to the Nice terror attack in 2016. It has contiunues in it’s hectic manner as the dissapointment of humanity grows.

Collision of the Systems: Post Thruth Era

November 2024

112 aluminium sheets over 4 meters

Pigment ink onacrylic paper, black marker and aluminium.

On a loan at the office of KPMG Baltics


Collision of the Systems: Ukraine

March 2022


Pigment ink on cotton paper, covered with author's blood

#StopWar #PutinIsaWarCriminal

Collision of the Systems: Covid

April 2020

Triptych: “Smoke gets in your eyes”, “Politicians”, “In Commemoration”

Pigment ink on cotton paper


Collision of the Systems: Nice

July 2016


Pigment ink on cotton paper. Black marker, scraches by broken skrew





Inner Cosmos